Inside the Office Christmas Party: How Are Brits Celebrating This Year?

Inside the Office Christmas Party: How Are Brits Celebrating This Year?

Read Time: 5 Minutes


06 Nov 2024

With the festive season around the corner, we wanted to find out how UK office workers are celebrating this year. So, we surveyed 1,000 employees across the country to get the inside scoop on what they really think about the work Christmas party. 

Do they look forward to it? Are they spending big? And what actually happens on the night? 


Are You Joining the Christmas Cheer – or Sitting This One Out?

It’s official: most of us are planning to celebrate! A full 67% of employees say they’ll be attending their work Christmas party this year. But it’s not for everyone, 22% are skipping out, while 11% are still on the fence, waiting to decide. Whether it’s because of timing, budget, or simply a preference to avoid the festivities, there’s a small but vocal group giving it a miss.

The real question is, are you team “all in” or team “opt out”?


Love it or Hate it – Here’s What We Really Think of the Office Holiday Party

The Christmas party has a reputation for being a “love it or hate it” event, and our survey confirms it! For the majority, it’s a highlight of the holiday season: 70% genuinely enjoy attending and look forward to the chance to unwind with colleagues.

But not everyone feels the same. Another 16% admit they’re not big fans of the event but attend anyway, keeping up appearances for tradition’s sake. And for 14%, it’s a hard no, they skip it altogether, preferring to spend their holiday time elsewhere.

With opinions so divided, it’s clear the work Christmas party stirs up strong feelings!


Did the Pandemic Cool Off Our Christmas Party Spirit?

The impact of the pandemic seems to have altered many office traditions, and Christmas parties are no exception. 59% of employees say the vibe has changed post-pandemic, noting tighter budgets, smaller gatherings, and even virtual options replacing the classic night out.

Yet, for 41%, nothing has really changed. These traditionalists still see the Christmas party as a chance to bring everyone together, celebrating as they did pre-2020.

Whether we’re in smaller venues or scaling down the festivities, one thing is clear: the office party spirit is still going strong for many!


Tinsel and Tequila or Black Tie and Bubbly? The Perfect Party Atmosphere Revealed!

So, what’s the preferred vibe for a work Christmas do? Turns out, it’s the laid-back approach that resonates with most people. A whopping 78% prefer a casual atmosphere, with drinks, laughs, and good conversation at the forefront. Think relaxed pubs, or a simple meal out – easygoing and informal.

In contrast, 22% still appreciate the finer things, opting for a more extravagant bash with glitz, glamour, and maybe even a black-tie dress code. For this group, the end-of-year party is a special occasion that deserves a touch of luxury.

It seems that while casual is the trend, there’s still room for a little sparkle and shine!


What does your Christmas party look like? Casual office celebrations? A pub soiree or an extravagant festive ball?


From Pub Nights to Fancy Dress: Here’s What Company Christmas Parties Looks Like

What does a typical UK office Christmas party look like these days? For most, it’s all about a good meal out with drinks (51%), combining a bit of formality with the relaxed pub feel. 15% keep it simple and office-based, where the drinks are close to the desk and everyone’s familiar with the venue!

Smaller groups are opting for nights out at booked venues (11%), bar hopping (8%), or just hitting the local pub (6%). And for those who like a little flair, 2% get the luxury of a themed or fancy dress party to really get in the holiday spirit.

It’s clear there’s a Christmas party style for everyone, from cosy gatherings to all-out themed celebrations!


Pinching Pennies or Going Big: How Much We Spend on the Holiday Party

Not everyone splashes out on Christmas party extras, and that’s fine! 25% don’t spend anything at all on party prep, sticking with whatever’s easy or already in the wardrobe. For those who do, 30% spend between £20 - £50 to enjoy the night out, while a smaller number go big, spending up to £200 for the full party experience,  outfit, food, and a few extras included.

Whether it’s the frugal option or a festive splurge, everyone has a different way of getting ready for the annual work party.

When it comes to the holiday budget, food takes the biggest slice of the pie, 23% spend most on their meal, making it a main event for the night. 16% prioritise the outfit, while 15% reserve their funds for drinks, because let’s face it,  holiday toasts and festive cheers are what it’s all about!

Interestingly, 21% of people don’t spend anything. They go with what they have and focus on enjoying the company,  proving that a good time doesn’t always mean a big bill!


Christmas Party Confessions

Finally, what’s a Christmas party without a few memorable (or hilarious) moments? While some might be sworn to secrecy, we got the down low on just some of Brit’s Christmas party confessions:


About the Author

Hi, I’m Craig, instantprint’s Marketing Manager. I have a passion for discovering new and innovative ways small business owners can give their marketing a boost.