How Our Customers Use Print: Super Cute Box

How Our Customers Use Print: Super Cute Box

Read Time: 3 Minutes


22 Mar 2016

One of our favourite things to see at instantprint HQ is the wonderful uses our customers have for our products, not to mention the diverse range of small businesses that use print. Nothing excites us more than seeing your print come to life in the factory and when something a little out of the ordinary comes along, we just have to find out more!

This week we got in touch with Sam from Super Cute Box to discover how she uses print to boost her business.

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Based in the South of England, Super Cute Box sources cute stationery, homewares, jewellery and accessories to send in a beautifully wrapped monthly subscription box. As the name suggests, each box is stuffed with super cute items from various suppliers all over the world. With a mix of quirky, kitsch, kawaii and retro products, Sam tires to include at least one item a month from a small business or independent supplier. As a champion of other small businesses, Sam loves to showcase the wealth of talent that’s out there and give something special or unusual to the subscribers.

Sam regularly uses printed items within the product packaging to let customers know exactly what goodies are in store for them inside. The boxes include a motivational postcard sporting a cute design to match the overall theme of the box and an A6 leaflet with a bit of information about everything included.

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It must be super exciting getting one of these delivered straight to your door packed with your latest dose of cuteness!

It’s not just the packaging itself that print is used for. When promoting the business, a batch of flyers or discount coupons are always on hand to give out at conventions, blogging events and charity organisations around the UK.

We asked Sam what has been the most exciting point up to now, she said, “I love seeing unboxing videos and photographs taken of the boxes people receive. Every month I get excited to send out the boxes and put a smile on people’s faces.”

The one piece of advice that Sam would give to a new business when they’re just starting out is to never give up and to always be professional. She added, “The smarter and more professional your product looks, the more likely someone will be attracted to buy. Clean looking, user-friendly websites along with some high quality printed materials are a must!”

So there we have it! A great business story to showcase the power of print. With some well-designed leaflets and a bit of know-how, using print can perfectly compliment your marketing strategy.

Have you got a great business story using print? From stickers to brochures, get in touch and your story could be featured on our blog!



About the Author

Hey, I’m Brooke, a Client Service Advisor at instantprint. I’m trained as an expert in all things print and aim to answer all your most asked questions here on the blog.