Employee Spotlight: Sean

Employee Spotlight: Sean

Read Time: 3 Minutes


03 Oct 2022

We always say that the secret behind our reputation for a high-quality online printing service is our people - but just how do we maintain such a motivated and resilient team? That's where instantprint's Personal Development and Wellbeing Trainer, Sean, comes in! 

From day one, Sean delivers the 'WOW' factor in his intense 2-day induction training, but that's not where his support ends. Sean offers a range of training courses - from Emotional Intelligence to Mindfulness - that benefit the entire time, and in turn, our clients. We shone the spotlight on Sean to uncover what a day in his shoes looks like and his favourite projects so far.

How long have you worked at instantprint?

As the Wellbeing & Personal Development Trainer, I work across all of the departments in instantprint as they attend my training. 

The whole instantprint team really does embrace the training I provide. There have been times that the entire department has asked for bespoke sessions to help their team find a well-being balance, which has led to the conception of some of my most popular courses within the business, such as Dealing with Burnout Training and Wellbeing and Resilience Training.

Ever since I started all most 4 years ago, the instantprint team have always been champions and advocates of the company training I facilitate. 

What does your average day look like?

On a typical training day, I try to “Deliver the WOW!” with very interactive, thought-provoking sessions such as an intensive two-day company induction, Better Sleep training, Mindfulness session and Become Emotional Intelligence, just to name a few. 

On a non-training day, it’s paperwork and research for future training sessions. In my role, I also ensure I do at least two well-being walks just to check in with people to see what they are doing and have a catch-up as to what their future training needs might be. 

How does your role fit into the customer’s journey?

I feel my role works in the background when it comes to the customer journey. I support the instantprint team with mental and emotional well-being, which in turn ensures we’re in the best possible position to offer an industry-leading service to our clients. 

My training is carefully curated to provide rituals or top tips on dealing with difficult situations and ensure the team has mental clarity to approach every task they do positively.

What makes you proud about working at instantprint?

I am proud of the fact that the instantprint team use the training I provide to fill their professional gaps. For example, when I hear that people use the knowledge they’ve acquired through my training in an interview for a promotion within the company or use my training to maintain composure in a fast-paced, ever-changing environment, it makes me incredibly proud to see the impact I’ve had on their professional lives.

I am also proud of the feedback and emails I get from individual team members at instantprint, sharing with me how my training has made them enjoy their job more or how they have used my top tips at home and now have better communication or relationships with their kids or partners.   


Tell us your favourite memory of working at instantprint!

My favourite memory of working at instantprint is hearing people quote my training in conversations with each other. 

Hearing people quote training that they may have taken a month, 6-months, 1 year or 3 years ago always amazes me. This just shows that they have truly embedded the training. As a trainer this is like gold dust; I can see the impact I am making in real-time. This motivates me to make the next training sessions even better!


What’s your favourite print product and why?

I would have to go with the business cards and the roller banners as my favourite print product. They are great quality, eye-catching and useful in promoting the work that I do outside of work.

Many times while out using these items, I have been asked, “Where did you get those? They look brilliant!”. 

What’s your favourite project that you’ve worked on so far?

My work with Instantprint is ongoing. However, my favourite is doing bespoke sessions for the team. This way the entire team get the same message. For example, before our print peak months, I have done bespoke sessions for the entire team on how to prevent burnout.

It is these projects that I truly relish; this way I can then see the real-time impact that my training makes.  

I truly look forward to seeing the team members on my training they are always positive and willing to learn. 


Tell us about your downtime hobbies or a random fact about yourself

Well, I am a Canadian and in my spare time, I try to keep fit by running, walking and rowing (slowly). I started my fitness journey in 2015 starting from nothing. Since then, I have run over 25 half marathons, 1 marathon and One 50K Ultra. I even wrote a book about my running journey that has won awards and was printed at instantprint, of course. 

My book called “Just Finish: Don’t think you can, know you can” is the true story that follows my journey from sitting on a lumpy futon, overweight, out of shape and picking Pringle shards out of my navel, to me running a 50K ultra-marathon. It’s not a new story it’s just told from the perspective of a “grassroots runner” who just wanted to finish the races I entered.

It’s about my struggles, my achievements, the barriers, the pain, the people I met and how I pushed myself to the brink while trying to achieve things I never thought possible.


About the Author

Hi, I’m Ally and I’m instantprint’s PR Lead. I enjoy writing content to help small businesses succeed and inspire them to get creative with their print marketing.